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Planting trees can reduce deaths from summer heat waves in cities



New study finds that planting more trees can reduce summer deaths in cities by a third

According to the study, of the 6,700 premature heat-related deaths in European cities during 2015, a third of these deaths (2,644) could have been prevented by increasing tree cover in urban areas by up to 30%.

modeling study published in The Lancet also found that tree cover reduced urban temperatures by an average of 0.4 degrees during the summer.

Lead author of the study, Tamar Eungman, from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, said: “We already know that higher temperatures in urban environments are associated with negative health outcomes, such as heart and respiratory failure, hospitalizations and premature death, and this study is the largest of its kind and the first to look at Specifically in premature deaths caused by higher temperatures in cities and the number of deaths that could be prevented by increasing tree cover," according to Metro.

Researchers suggest that urban environments record higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas, which are generally referred to as “urban heat islands.” The study suggests that the difference in temperatures is caused by human activities such as vegetation removal, the presence of asphalt, and the use of building materials that absorb and trap heat. .

Increasing temperatures in cities are expected to become more severe with climate change, increasing the urgency for cities to adapt to improve health outcomes. Scientists estimated death rates for people over the age of 20 in 93 European cities between June and August 2015, and this represents About 57 million people in total.

Data on deaths around this time were analyzed with city average daily temperatures in two modeling scenarios.

The first compares the temperature of a city without urban heat islands with the temperature of a city with urban heat islands.

The second simulates a decrease in temperature as a result of an increase in tree cover to 30%.

The researchers estimated how many deaths were attributable to urban heat as well as how many could be prevented by increasing tree cover.

The study notes that the average daily temperature difference between urban and rural areas from June to August 2015 was 1.5 degrees warmer than the surrounding rural areas.

In all cities, 75% of the population lived in areas with an average summer temperature difference in the city greater than 1 degree, and 20% with an average summer temperature difference greater than 2 degrees, compared to the surrounding countryside.

The researchers say their findings support the idea that urban trees provide significant public health and environmental benefits, however, they acknowledge that increased tree coverage needs to be combined with other interventions to maximize urban temperature reduction. For example, changing ground surface materials to reduce nighttime temperatures. Like replacing asphalt with trees.

The average city tree cover in Europe is currently 14.9%, so achieving the 30% tree coverage target could be quite a challenge for some cities.

The benefits of afforestation and its relationship to confronting the issue of climate change

Planting trees has an essential role to play in combating carbon gain and climate change.

Planting trees increases per capita green space.

Tree planting has a fundamental role to play in combating carbon gain and climate change

One of the most important benefits of afforestation is to protect the environment from dust pollution.

Planting trees fights pollution and cleans the air.

Trees help purify the air of all dust and pollutants resulting from factory fumes and fumes in the atmosphere.

Trees absorb all these pollutants and store them in their leaves and branches.

Beech forests absorb nearly four tons of pollutants from the atmosphere annually.

Trees remove carbon dioxide and produce oxygen in the air and help reduce global warming

Trees and mitigation of overheating

Trees block the sun's rays, which helps to lower the temperature.

Cooling is done by evaporating water droplets from the surface of tree leaves, as evaporation of water is a chemical process that helps eliminate heat energy from the atmosphere.

A single tree can naturally condition the atmosphere with the cooling effect of 10 air conditioners for a room up to 20 hours a day.

The tree is an oxygen factory, as it absorbs carbon dioxide and helps with cooling.

One of the most important benefits of afforestation for cities is that it helps to cool the streets, as it contributes to reducing global warming and temperature.

Planted trees help expand shade and provide water as well, so modern cities suffer from the problem of high temperature due to the scarcity of trees.

Decreased vegetation cover for the construction of residential cities and asphalt roads leads to a high rate of heat absorption and a sense of warmth

Trees and the environment

Trees are an integral part of the ecosystem.

Trees contribute to maintaining the ecological balance because they reduce air and water pollution.

It preserves the soil from erosion, supports it and increases its fertility.

In addition to its role in maintaining a moderate climate, cooling streets and cities, and eliminating global warming.

Trees are home to a large number of birds and microorganisms, as well as being a source of renewable energy.

Planting trees increases per capita green space.

Planting trees helps change behaviors, and urges citizens to participate in preserving the environment and natural resources, to ensure their sustainability, in order to preserve the rights of future generations.

Roshin Damon is a professional journalist since 2011, a media graduate from Kuwait University, a technology expert, a media consultant and a member of the International Organization of Journalists - a member of the fact-checking team at Meta Company. He writes in the fields of entertainment, art, science and technology, and believes that the pen can change everything. Email: Email:
